

What you want to know...

How long does treatment take? 30 minutes
What areas can you treat? Sculptra Aesthetic is used to correct shallow to deep wrinkles and folds on the face.
How much will it cost? Click Here


Sculptra Aesthetic is an FDA-approved injectable that helps gradually replace lost collagen—the most common protein in the body that is used to form a framework to support cell and tissue.

As a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) collagen stimulator, Sculptra Aesthetic helps restore the deep, underlying structure of the skin to diminish facial wrinkles.

Sculptra Aesthetic works with your body within the deep dermis to help revitalize collagen production and help restore your skin’s inner structure and volume.

As the Sculptra Aesthetic PLLA microparticles are absorbed, they help stimulate collagen production.

Rebuilt collagen strands begin gradually helping to restore facial volume and the look of fullness to wrinkles and folds.


How many treatments are required?

On average, a series of three treatment sessions over the course of a few months may be needed. The number of injections at each session will vary, depending on the degree of correction needed and the treatment plan determined by you and your specialist.

How soon will I see results?

Sculptra Aesthetic is designed to give you noticeable results that emerge gradually and can last more than two years.* Don’t be disappointed if you don’t see immediate results. A few days after treatment, you may look as you did before treatment. This is normal and temporary. The Sculptra Aesthetic regimen delivers its full effects with an average of three treatment sessions over the course of a few months. Because results happen gradually, you’ll see subtle, yet noticeable, results in the reduction of facial wrinkles and folds by comparing images before treatment and a couple months following treatment.